What systems does a small business need to cope with a demand surge?
Being set up from day one as if you were a big, replicable business, as espoused by Michael Gerber in The E-Myth, is a good way to start. For example, be really efficient in terms of technology, have contract or outsourcing resources to call on and a slick - or automatic - system for bringing on board new customers. While these basics are great, what's more helpful is foreseeing a sudden surge. Sales funnel reporting can get you into a future-focused state and show you the positive blip on the radar before the transactions actually start. Using this system, you can figure out what your company needs to do to cope with the new demand.
How can it harm a business to grow too fast?
A classic downfall of growing too fast is the cashflow issues it can bring - and we all know cash is king. Sadly, some small businesses actually fold in a high-growth phase as they run out of cash trying to meet the demand of new clients. The moral is to have detailed and reliable cashflow forecasts. It is also imperative to make sure your growth is profitable growth; that it is adding to the bottom line. So avoid excessive discounting for the sake of fast growth or over-promising for a low price.
The other big concern with growing too fast is standards dropping. If an increase in demand pushes beyond what you can handle, your new customers won't have a good experience. Unfortunately, negative experience means negative word of mouth, so not only can you lose new customers, you also risk losing potential customers and your former loyal followers. And there goes your business.