Q: How do I encourage my older workers not to leave the business?
Older workers often have valuable skills and knowledge about the business that the organisation wants to and needs to retain. Losing these skills can be a cost to the business. It's also important to consider the needs and expectations of customers, many of whom may have formed close relationships with older staff members and will be keen to see their skills and expertise retained within the business. However, mature workers will have different needs from other employees at other stages of their careers. They may be keen to move away from the nine to five working commitment to enable them to have more time to pursue other interests. Redesigning the way they work within the business may be the key to retaining their skills and expertise for a period of time that suits both parties. There are various ways to encourage older workers to stay within the business. These may include flexible working arrangements - for instance, shorter days, late starts or even job sharing.
Older workers with jobs that are physically demanding may welcome the opportunity to take on a more sedentary role. Other attractive options may include unpaid leave, working on specific projects where they engage for set periods of time, and working from home.
Q: How do businesses encourage older workers to share their knowledge with others in the business?