This conversation was conducted by and featured here.
What are best aspects of doing business in New Zealand?
Derek Handley (DH): Definitely that New Zealand is one of the most beautiful, friendly countries in the world! So it's one of the most beautiful and friendly places to do business in the world and seeing the beach or the sea on your drive home from work is inspiring and rebalances you with nature and the important things in life. It's a great equaliser to always remind yourself what's important and the wonderful planet we all share. No one takes themselves too seriously either - which by default means that you can't, which is always a good thing. In many global 'capitals' like New York or Hong Kong a lot of people take themselves awfully seriously and are viciously competitive to the detriment of common sense and good manners.
Linc Gasking (LG): There are some many positive from an innovative culture to a facilitative government and an international pool of talent with diverse skills with world class abilities. New Zealand is a country with a global outlook with multicultural cities which have a real personality and a sense of community. The lifestyle is incredible lifestyle due to some breath-taking scenery, while there's the bonus of being in similar time zones to the US West Coast and Asia. It's a good test market where visas are relatively easy for skilled talent and entrepreneurs, it's also an easy place to setup a business and is the number one least corrupt country in the world.