Someone once told me that one of the early sales training tricks IBM taught its new sales teams was to 'look on the walls'.
This was to help them find an area that they can talk about with their prospect to help start the relationship. It might be a sailboat, the family of three little girls, or a breed of dog in the photo that is on the wall or desk.
This makes infinite sense, and I hope you do this. However in 2012, if you're simply waiting until you're sitting in their office - you've lost a great relationship building opportunity. You might be thinking I'm referring to Facebook - but no. Most private Facebook profiles are locked so you can't find information unless you become a friend.
Your answer is LinkedIn, the business persons social network which is getting more popular by the day. If your inbox is like mine - you'll be swimming in invites to connect (I get 15 - 20 a day). With half a million kiwis on it - you're likely to find your business prospect or client there.