I hope that you have a strategy in place that will ensure all this time, energy and money will pay off in the future too, and isn't flushed down the toilet if the prospect isn't ready to do business with you now.
However (you knew that was coming, didn't you) by putting all your eggs (time, money, effort) in the hopeful basket, you're neglecting one of your most valuable business assets. Your existing customers, oh yes and the good prospects that know you already.
Keep in touch with these valuable resources, be they clients or prospects. Do you have a content marketing newsletter? If not, how do you regularly stay in touch for repeat business; up selling and referrals?
I can hear you thinking - "yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that Debbie". But - how wide is the gulf between what you know you should do and what you actually are doing?
Let me tell you a tiny story. Several weeks ago I got a phone call on Friday afternoon at 5:15. It was Robert, the Managing Director.
He said "Debbie, I just read your latest newsletter. We've got to talk. When can you come in?
Now I haven't spoken to Robert in well over four years - in person or on the phone that is. But I have been personally "talking" to him via email at least once a month since the last time we met. He wasn't ready for our services then, and it has taken 48 months.
But how easy was it to stay in contact with him?
With personalisation software, a newsletter that keeps readers interested and thus subscribed, you can be as personal as your database information enables you to be. No matter how large your mailing list is. You can turn the people that know you into prospects and then to clients.
You'll move existing clients well up that loyalty ladder.
Written by Debbie Mayo-Smith, One of New Zealand's most in-demand speakers, trainers and bestselling authors. Debbie works with companies that want more effective staff. For more tips and business ideas sign up for her free monthly newsletter.