A huge modification has quietly been introduced for the Gmail Inbox. Or should I say - if you know about it.
It seems to me unbelievable that such a HUGE modification to Gmail (for the better) slipped by unnoticed. Quietly. Without fanfare or announcements. Yet for those who get a large amount of email it's utterly marvellous. Potentially devastating for marketers.
If you haven't heard about it, let me introduce you to the new feature you can turn on, and how it works.
Google has created an automatic filter which does a darn good job of separating your inbox in up to five predetermined categories. You can activate a few or all five tabs, which appear across the top of your inbox. The five categories are:
1. Primary: Email that's sent specifically to you, person to person conversations or that you find important.
2. Social: Notifications from social sites - LinkedIn, Facebook etc. as well as media sharing sites.
3. Promotions: Promotions, offers, newsletters, marketing emails.
4. Updates: Personal automatically generated updates, confirmations, receipts, invoices.
5. Forums: Messages from online groups, discussions, mailing lists.
(Watch my quick 1 minute overview video)