Are you loyal to any of the businesses you frequent? Not out of habit or necessity mind you, but loyal because you want to be?
I'm loyal to the gym I belong to, Contours in Glen Innes. I've been a member for several years and happily renew it every nine months. It's owned by Cheryleita Downie, a Business Woman of the year finalist by the way.
You don't have to spend a fortune to be a good business person. Nor do you have to spend a fortune to create a competitive advantage. It's the clever little things that often matter most. I thought I'd outline some of the strategies that Cheryleita has instituted for her branch of Contours that you can copy for your business.
1. Warm greetings. If you're a parent of teens like me, you'll know when you come home - absolutely nothing happens. Those lazy lumps can't tear themselves away from their 'screens' to say hello. So maybe that is a small reason I feel warm greetings are so lovely, welcoming, and add a huge positive aura to a business. When you walk into Contours Glen Innes (a woman's gym) - the staff greet you warmly. They know your name. They know your affinities - such as what locker you like. It's simply wonderful and I'm sure that is part of the staff training since it is the same for each staff member, regardless of their personality.
2. Monthly evening seminars These are definably a free perk for members. They of course benefit the businesses that partner by giving them entry to their target market - her members.