'I talk about using everyday technology better.'
'I show how to make small changes for great gains in using everyday business tools.'
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Yes, I agree, all terrible. Yet, what I educate on - email overload, smartphones, software, the Internet is something everyone uses and struggles with.
One day, walking through the exhibition hall of a conference I spoke at, I was asked that same old question. Being tired, not thinking I replied:
'I show people how to get more done in less time'.
BAM!!!! On this occasion, the person smiled broadly, their eyes shined in interest and engagement and they said 'wow! We sure need you at our company'.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. So I tried it again with the next person.
'Oh my goodness. I need you! Can you come sit with me for a week?'
Repeatedly I used my new one liner. That afternoon I got two speaking engagements from it on the expo floor chatting with people as I wandered about.
So how do you do it for yourself?
• It's about their pain point
• It's about their benefit, not feature
• What will they gain
It is hard to see past your how or what. I kept putting the word technology, and/or business tools in my phrase. Those come after.
Last week an accounting practice emailed me asking what I thought of their two choices for elevator pitches.
1. I assist business owners to improve their profitability, cash flow and grow their businesses
2. I analyse, find solutions and take actions to address business owners' financial pain points.
My response was an alternative which fit the three ingredient recipe above.
'I help business owners save time, earn more and grow their business'.
Please comment with your thoughts- or how you came up with your perfect business description. We'd all love to read about it.
Written by Debbie Mayo-Smith www.successis.co.nz , One of New Zealand’s most in-demand speakers, trainers and bestselling authors. Debbie works with companies that want more effective staff. For more tips and business ideas sign up for her free monthly newsletter www.successis.co.nz/newsletternzh.html