Last week I wrote about the importance of allocating time for marketing. Especially if you have high value sales that take time to eventuate. I promised to tell you about how I (a busy mother of six children, two dogs and three cats) can run a successful business, keep everyone happy, the home running smoothly and have my icing time. All done along with dad of course.
Come back with me to 2001. An afternoon like any other. The door burst open and the house came alive with laughter, chatter, 14 feet running up the long wooden hallway. As usual I was sitting at my desk, working on the computer.
The desk faced the window, so my back was to the hallway. Matthew, had a new friend over and as they walk back past me I hear Matthew say to the friend "that's my mom. She's always on the computer". You can imagine my guilt.
Matthew, he kick started a re-examination of my business. By 9:10 am the next morning I had an ad in the paper for a part time office manager. There would go all the administration, clerical and routine activities I was doing.
We already had home help. It made infinite sense as I could earn more per hour working than I would not paying for cleaning assistance.