'I'm worried about you Debbie' my husband Steve said. 'This is very unlike you'. This comment was in reference to the obsession I've developed with the kitchen, although more specifically nurturing along a sourdough culture and making bread. It's been months now and he's only ever witnessed my antipathy to cooking and all things domestic.
It could be the nurturing mothering instinct now that one of our twins has left home (again) to study in Hamilton; or that the kids are so independent now. I'm not sure what the attraction of trying to get that flour and water to fizz is, but it has had a double detrimental effect.
Of course the first is my backside. I can't bear to throw out that daily cup of mixture to refresh. So I'm making sourdough bread, date scones, cinnamon scrolls, rolls and pancakes.
The second has been to my business. That is because the time I'm taking looking through cook books, mixing, kneading, cleaning and schmoozing the computer for recipes, I SHOULD be doing marketing and business development for the business.
Like many businesses, mine is suffering from the economy. Fewer conferences, less books sold over the internet and on site. Less training opportunities from less disposable income.