Last week Oxfam released a briefing paper titled An economy for the 1%. It's a travesty. It provides a fixed-pie look at the world that assumes the poor are poor because the rich are rich. Oxfam's solution is to take from the rich to give to the poor. There, says Oxfam, problem fixed.
That countries aren't soaking the rich to prosper the poor proves for Oxfam that the rich control the world.
Oxfam provides no evidence or analysis. The paper, instead, is peppered with media-packaged statistics and the old Marxist chestnut that capitalists get rich at the expense of workers.
The problem for Oxfam is that trade and capitalism are reducing poverty at an unimagined rate. Oxfam provides just a nodding sentence to what is fabulously happening: the number of people living below the extreme poverty line halved between 1990 and 2010. The charity offers no explanation how this is happening or what to do to ensure poverty reduction continues.
Instead, it observes 62 people (most of them men, to Oxfam's horror) have in total the same wealth as the bottom half of humanity.