UPDATE:Rocket Lab says its twin-engined Sikorsky S92 helicopter, based at Mercer, is now “Wheels up and on its way to Mahia,” in a followup to a relief flight the firm organised by regular chopper earlier this week.
“On Thursday this week we arranged for essential food and supplies to be delivered to Mahia via helicopter. This contained food and essentials like baby formula and sanitary items,” communications director Morgan Bailey says.
There's a starman, freighting in supplies: Rocket Lab founder and CEO Peter Beck (right) with supplies ready to be loaded for the S92 flight. Photo / Supplied
“While Mahia hasn’t been hit as hard as other regions, the community has still been cut off due to road closures and experienced lingering power and communications outages. In providing support to Mahia directly we hope to reduce strain on nearby centres like Wairoa and Gisborne where people would otherwise travel for access to supermarkets and supplies.
The Sikorsky S-92 helicopter used by Rocket Lab to catch a falling booster is being used for a cyclone aid drop. Photo / Supplied
“In addition, today we deployed Rocket Lab’s large Sikorsky S-92 helicopter - the same large helicopter we use to catch rockets - to Mahia to deliver an additional 2.1 tons worth of food and supplies to the community. These goods have been donated by the company and also Rocket Lab staff members. The shipment includes baby formula, nappies, water, plenty of non-perishable food, batteries, gas cookers, toiletries and sanitary items.”
The firm’s relief mission complements other private efforts, including that of Ngāti Porou Holdings, which organised a plane and chopper to deliver 31 Starlink satellite broadband kits to remote East Cape communities.
“We have more donations than we can fit in the helicopter so we are also planning a follow-up trip via truck tomorrow – currently the road conditions permit this route but if there are further slips or road damage this may get delayed. This delivery will go to Wairoa,” Bailey says.
Separately, Rocket Lab is donating to relief funds in the region to support efforts on the ground, particularly in Wairoa.
The flight is carrying supplies donated by Rocket Lab, and its staff. Photo / Supplied
Rocket Lab founder and CEO Peter Beck says, “The devastation across Hawkes Bay and Tairawhiti is gut-wrenching and our whole team feels for everyone affected. Mahia, Wairoa, and Gisborne in particular are special places for us and we’re doing all we can to support people there by deploying our helicopters, infrastructure and people to deliver critical food and supplies.”
More donated supplied for the flight. Photo / Supplied
EARLIER: Rocket Lab is repurposing the giant Sikorsky S92 helicopter - previously seen catching a rocket in mid-air - to deliver aid to Mahia locals.
The firm’s launch complex on the Mahia Peninsula survived Cyclone Gabrielle unscathed, and all staff are now accounted for as safe, communications director Morgan Bailey says.
Rocket Lab is now focusing its efforts on helping out its local community on the hard-hit East Coast.
The Sikorsky S-92 helicopter used by Rocket Lab to catch a falling booster is being used for an aid mission. Photo / Supplied
Peter Beck’s company has organised for a regular chopper to drop in grocery supplies to Mahia this afternoon.
That flight will be followed up on Saturday by the giant, twin-engined S92, which will fly in with supplies funded by Rocket Lab and members of its staff.
Bailey says the S92 will also fly in supplies or gear for aid agencies and community groups if they request space. The cargo is being decided by community requests. “People are asking for things like milk powder and camping stoves,” Bailey said.
If roads open by the weekend, the aid will be trucked in rather than flown.
The S92 is confirmed to fly in supplies for Mahia, but the mission could expand to include nearby towns - which include Wairoa, one of the worst-affected communities. Planning is still under way.