As Covid numbers continue to decline the Government could look at easing mask mandates, but how many are still wearing them? Video / NZ Herald
If Brian Tamaki did not exist, Labour would have to invent him.
Last week, to divert attention from their U-turn on taxing KiwiSaver fees, Labour alleged National was going to go into coalition with Tamaki's new party, Freedoms NZ.
It is Labour that hopes Tamaki's new party gets legs.Labour wants Freedoms NZ to split the anti-vaxxer vote. If New Zealand First and Freedoms NZ fail to get 5 per cent their vote is redistributed. Tamaki could help re-elect Labour.
Tamaki helps Labour in an even more important way. By spouting over-the-top conspiracy theories he has killed off any rational discussion of the Government's Covid policies. No one wants to be labelled as a Tamaki supporter.
Internationally for the first two years of the pandemic, New Zealand's response was praised. Commentators often frame the discussion as New Zealand v Sweden. Sweden's refusal to lockdown or issue mandates, relying instead on their citizens' common sense, was scorned.
Swedes pictured in April 2020 socialising in Stockholm while New Zealand was in lockdown. Photo / AP
Sweden responded saying that in three years their infection and death rates from Covid will be no higher than countries that have locked down, quarantined and issued mandates. Sweden said they will not have deprived people of their liberties, damaged their children's education or harmed their economy.
Unlike New Zealand, Sweden has held an independent Corona Commission into its response. The Commission was critical of initial inadequate protection to those in care homes that resulted in 90 per cent of all Covid deaths.
The Commission found that the Swedish Covid death rate was lower than European countries that locked down. The Commission determined the no lockdown strategy was correct, saying the state should only limit the liberty of citizens when absolutely necessary.
The Commission praised the decision to keep schools open, noting Swedish pupils have not had their education disrupted.
In contrast, international researchers have become increasingly critical of New Zealand's response.
Epidemiologist and health economist at Stanford University School of Medicine, Professor Jay Bhattacharya writes: "New Zealand's Zero Covid strategy was immoral, incoherent and a grand failure."
New Zealand has, he says, "experienced more Covid cases per capita throughout the pandemic than the US ... there are the enormous economic, psychological and additional health costs of lockdown that the population will pay out for over the coming year.
"New Zealand failed to vaccinate its population with urgency ... if it had not dawdled in obtaining the vaccine, New Zealand could have been open by mid-spring 2021," he continued.
The Government's attempt to achieve herd immunity by vaccinating 90 per cent of the population has failed because the vaccine protection quickly wears off. Vaccination gives protection from the severity of infection - but not from catching and spreading the virus. In fairness ministers did not know this when Cabinet decided to seek herd immunity.
Ministers did know or should have known last year when Labour implemented mandates and the traffic light system that herd immunity was impossible. The traffic light system, the mandates and the compulsory isolation were based on achieving zero Covid that was impossible.
For two years ministers ignored the Simpson/Roche report recommendation to use RATs. Early in the pandemic my nephew in England was issued RATS by the UK Government. He self-tested to detect that he had Covid. When he tested negative he returned to work. He never lost a day off work longer than necessary or needed to see a health professional.
By contrast, tens of thousands of New Zealanders have been isolating when they are not infectious. Thousands have lost their jobs when their vaccine status was only a threat to their own health. Thousands more have had their lives disrupted by MIQ quarantine that continued long after it served any useful purpose.
The cost of Labour's failed zero Covid policy to citizens, the economy, health and to education has been huge.
The only country still following the New Zealand model of lockdowns, quarantines and mandates is the police state of communist China.
Future generations will be incredulous. No doubt some future Labour Prime Minister into gesture politics will apologise. No comfort to pupils whose lives will be blighted by their education being disrupted.
We need an independent Covid inquiry. Not to apportion blame. It serves no useful purpose. We need an inquiry to be better prepared for the next pandemic.
Covid is now endemic. The Government needs to abandon the New Zealand model; the traffic lights, compulsory isolation and the mandates. Adopt the Swedish model. Trust the people to use their common sense.
• Richard Prebble is a former leader of the Act Party and a former member of the Labour Party.