Well, the Auckland Unitary Plan has landed after a difficult birth lasting four years.
It's been painful, but it's here now -- and we can only hope that our elected representatives have not only done the right thing by us, but will ensure the plan delivers what we need. Housing; lots of it, and affordable so people on median wages can buy a median home.
And let's hope developers don't throw up a tonne of sub-standard rubbish that will cost taxpayers millions of dollars to put right.
With such a huge building plan ahead of us -- 422,000 homes in 25 years -- the council needs to employ qualified and competent building inspectors, and not hire "here today, gone tomorrow" contractors to do it for them.
We need a city that not only provides homes the locals can afford, but -- as Andrea Rush writes opposite -- green spaces, clean water (remember when we used to take that for granted?) and healthy environments along with world-class public transport.