US-based psychologist Kathleen Gurney, a leader in the field of money personalities says everyone fits into one of these nine money personalities.
ENTREPRENEURS: This is a very male dominated group that favours investing in the stock market.
HIGH ROLLERS: They are thrill seekers who enjoy the ride of financial risk.
HUNTERS: These are often women. Usually highly educated, with a live-for-today financial style.
ACHIEVERS: These are often conservative and not interested in risking assets they have worked hard to accumulate. They're big on insurance and like to take charge of their money.
MONEY MASTERS: They get contentment and security from money and are the top wealth accumulators. They tend to act on sound advice and don't rely on luck.
PERFECTIONISTS: They hate making mistakes and as a result they often don't make decisions about their money. They find it difficult to find suitable investments thanks to having tunnel vision.
PRODUCERS: They have a lack of self confidence in money management and do not profit from risks because they can't evaluate them carefully.
OPTIMISTS: They can cope with risk, but are more interested in enjoying their money than taking risks. They have few anxieties and tend to outsource the management of their money.
SAFETY PLAYERS: They are the really risk averse investors who put their money into really safe and secure investments such as the bank. They don't take enough risk to make their money grow.