British expats in New Zealand who have as much as $10 billion in UK pensions have been warned to transfer their pensions to New Zealand soon to avoid losing big chunks of their savings to the taxman.
The Taxation (Annual Rates, Foreign Superannuation, and Remedial Matters) Bill which sets out simplified new tax rules on overseas superannuation schemes passed its second reading in Parliament yesterday.
Much of the bill deals with the estimated 70 per cent of New Zealand residents who have overseas superannuation schemes who have not been paying the right amount, or indeed any tax, when they transfer that cash to a New Zealand scheme or withdraw a lump sum.
Senior Citizens Minister Jo Goodhew told Parliament the bill would make the rules for taxing foreign superannuation simpler and fairer.
Under the proposed changes from 1 April 2014, lump sums from foreign superannuation schemes would be taxed only when they are withdrawn or transferred to a New Zealand or Australian scheme.