Property dodge for MPs closed
A loophole allowing MPs to hold millions of dollars worth of undisclosed real estate investments and other assets without declaring them has now been closed.
A loophole allowing MPs to hold millions of dollars worth of undisclosed real estate investments and other assets without declaring them has now been closed.
Auckland's Heart of the City chief, charged with evading nearly $2 million in taxes over 22 years, is alleged to have created fictitious invoices to filter money into his own bank accounts.
Terry Serepisos says he is "flabbergasted" after he was arrested and appeared in court because of child support for his 19-year-old son.
A Wellsford man who lied about having five children to receive $120,000 in tax credits has been jailed.
John Key has stepped up his attack on Labour's capital gains today tax, suggesting it will create a headache for grieving children who inherit their parents' house.
Tax is emerging as the battleground heading into the last two weeks before the election with National seizing on Labour leader David Cunliffe's stumble over the details of his flagship capital gains tax policy.
A 79-year-old accountant being chased for a $367 million tax debt has asked the High Court for orders to prevent Inland Revenue bankrupting him.
Eighteen American businesses hold 36 per cent of corporate US wealth and they are piling up cash holdings overseas because of discouraging US tax laws.
A look at some of the US firms that have incorporated overseas in moves that some say is robbing the US of billions of dollars in tax revenue.
The upshot of Novopay is this: we spent $110m to get a lemon from an Australian company - which is now being touted as a $15m 'asset', writes Dita De Boni.
More than six decades after it achieved independence, India may be on the verge of a single goods and services tax, after India's PM warmed to the idea.
Q: I was listening to the radio and I heard a Labour MP say that under Labour not only would KiwiSaver be compulsory but a capital gains tax would apply to it.
In a video interview on nzherald.co.nz, Eaqub said capital gains tax on investment property was often discussed in New Zealand as if it didn't exist - but it already does.
The Financial Services Council is looking to drum up popular support for a campaign to address what it says is the overtaxation of savings.
Internet giants Apple, Google and Facebook will likely be targeted under plans for a crackdown on tax avoidance by big multinationals which Labour is set to announce today.
Medical device maker Medtronic, is poised to become the biggest firm to escape the US tax system by shifting its incorporation abroad.
Inland Revenue should accept a payment deal rather than bankrupt a 79-year-old accountant being chased over a $367 million debt, says an Auckland tax adviser.
A 79-year-old accountant being chased for a $367 million tax debt is now going to court in a bid to stall the IRD from bringing bankruptcy proceedings against him.
Tax breaks for Apple, Starbucks and Fiat are under investigation in a clampdown on special treatment for companies.
Inland Revenue has won a $367 million judgment against a 79-year old accountant for an unpaid tax debt.
A former Forsyth Barr stockbroker who poured $460,000 into a now-failed internet business says he was unaware of its tax debt.
Large corporations are spending millions of dollars ensuring top executives are kept safe.
Florida is joining 20 other states that collect sales tax on Amazon purchases, meaning just about everything bought there will now cost 6 per cent more.
Taxpayers would need to pay an average of $1,259 more a year to make up the federal and state taxes lost to corporations and individuals sheltering money in overseas tax havens, according to a report.