KiwiSavers face double tax sting
KiwiSavers could be missing out on higher returns because of the tax impact of their providers' offshore structures.
KiwiSavers could be missing out on higher returns because of the tax impact of their providers' offshore structures.
If money talks, one US businessman has made sure his voice has been heard.
Trump has threatened General Motors in a tweet, as rival Ford scraps a plan to build a US$1.6 billion plant in Mexico.
COMMENT: The art of dealing with Trump is to offer him a deal his ego can't refuse.
COMMENT: How to ensure you start 2017 off on the right foot with your taxes.
Apple's tax bill chronicles a growing clash between Europe, the US and a shift in the EU's approach to tax affairs.
A tax agent has been sentenced to four years imprisonment after stealing client money and filing false GST and income tax returns.
COMMENT: Some countries impose a diverted profits tax to counter concerns about unfair tax dodging by multinationals, Professor Craig Elliffe writes.
Support for the government's crack down on tax avoidance has been tempered with criticism the moves come too late and don't go far enough.
The first policy of Gareth Morgan's new Opportunities Party has been released this morning.
A proposal to close international tax loopholes has mobilised opposition from large taxpayers.
The corporate community fears it has lost the public debate over tax avoidance and a legislative crackdown is imminent.
Prime Minister John Key took on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg about the company's tax reputation internationally - and Zuckerberg did not click "like".
Large companies need to "rebuild the trust of the public" by being more open about tax arrangements, the IRD says.
This guy was fed-up with paying tax, so he found a bit of empty land and created his own country. There's just one little problem.
Inland Revenue says it's in talks with foreign tax departments as it steps up efforts to recover money owed by overseas-based student loan borrowers.
Inland Revenue has launched a swathe of audits into the tax arrangements of international technology firms.
Move to cap deductions is delayed until next year at the earliest.
The Government is letting big corporates off their tax obligations lightly, the Green Party says.
Consumers are going to have to fork out extra for e-books, music, movies and television online.
Nearly three-quarters of New Zealand CEOs say multinational companies do not pay their fair share of tax.
COMMENT: New Zealand has an aversion to capital gains taxes. Or is it just the name?
CEOs have creative ideas for accelerating research and development, writes James Penn.
The IRD has launched another campaign cracking down on tradies carrying out work for under-the-table payment.
COMMENT: Apple would paid far more tax in New Zealand if it wasn't for the Irish head office structure.
The number of super-rich Kiwis on the tax department's radar has jumped.
Is marijuana the new sin-tax gusher for the states? It sure looks that way.
COMMENT: Apple's claim that it has always paid all the taxes it owed is disingenuous.
The EU's tax ruling is bad news for Apple, the Irish government and the EU's relations with the United States.
EU's $20 billion tax bill for Apple could set the stage for wider battle and Google, Amazon and Starbucks among firms likely to face scrutiny.