It's quite easy to make money in shares. In fact, as long as you follow two basic rules, history would suggest you're virtually guaranteed to.
All you have to do is firstly be well-diversified (own lots of different shares), and secondly measure your success against an appropriate timeframe, ideally 10 years or more. Not exactly rocket science.
The diversification bit is easy. Any decent adviser you work with will drum that into you on day one (and probably every day thereafter), and if you're a small investor there's always an index fund to provide instant diversification.
Keeping your eye on the long game is definitely more difficult, especially when you're in the thick of some short-term market turmoil. But it's non-negotiable for any good investor, and if a decade ahead sounds too far away to think about, then shares probably aren't for you anyway.
The thing with financial markets is that the further ahead in the future you look, the more predictable things become. That's the opposite of just about everything else in life, but a lot of things about markets aren't very logical.