Q: Is someone who is enrolled in KiwiSaver and is studying overseas entitled to the Government tax credit of $521.43 each year if making a minimum voluntary contribution of $1,042.86? If moving overseas permanently, can he or she take the Kiwisaver funds, including the $1,000 kick-start and the member tax credits?
A: With many Kiwis heading overseas — last month, 5,000 left for an extended period or permanently — it's good to check what happens to your KiwiSaver.
Joe Bishop, head of retail and marketing at Gareth Morgan Investments, said the $1,042.86 wasn't the minimum voluntary contributions people could make. It was the amount an eligible member of KiwiSaver must contribute to receive the maximum annual member tax credits of $521.43 from the Government.
"It works out to be a 50-cent-in-the-dollar match and voluntary contributions can be made through your KiwiSaver provider or to IRD.
"New Zealand residents generally contribute through their employer, but if it's less than $1,042.86 annually — the KiwiSaver 'year' runs from July 1 to June 31 — you can make a top-up payment to make sure you receive the full member tax credit.