Q: We enrolled our New Zealand-born children into KiwiSaver but moved to the UK for family reasons. We are keen to keep the savings scheme open for them - can we while they are living elsewhere? Neither of them is working yet but can we pay into the scheme for them from overseas?The rules are the same for adults and children moving overseas. For those emigrating to Australia it is legally possible to move KiwiSaver funds to a superannuation provider there.
A: The legislation has been in place for several years for retirement savings to shift between New Zealand and Australia but it is entirely voluntary for providers to accept the funds.
New Zealand KiwiSaver providers will happily take funds transferred from Australian super accounts but it's a different story with Australian providers, who have been slow to get the systems in place to take KiwiSaver funds.
Many Kiwis have found willing Australian providers thin on the ground. It's to be hoped this will change in time.
People like you who move permanently overseas anywhere other than Australia can opt to withdraw everything in their KiwiSaver account, except any member tax credits earned, and close the account.