Q: My daughter recently graduated. She has a student loan and is possibly taking a gap year and doing a minimum-wage, part-time job. Does she need a will? She has a student loan incurred over the three years to get a BSc, and assets of shares, KiwiSaver ($1042 per annum for 3.9 years), a managed fund and cash. None of these individually (except the student loan) exceed $15,000. Is the need for probate triggered by $15,000 assets in total or for each individual asset and is a student loan wiped out when you die? If you have liabilities (a student loan in this case) is it advisable to have a will to appoint someone as executor and, as her father, am I automatically it, or does the court appoint one?
A: A couple of weeks back I asked Charlotte Lockhart from Perpetual Guardian about what happens to KiwiSaver funds when you die.
A quick recap:
• KiwiSaver is an investment in your name alone and will form part of your estate. It won't automatically go to your partner, parents or children.
• Once an investment is worth over $15,000 a will is needed to determine who will benefit from your estate.