"I'm going to live to 100," declares my 10-year-old son matter-of-factly, as I show him some online stats about how long we're living these days.
He may be underestimating, as many of us do. His great-grandfather, after all, some years ago reached the very respectable age of 99. And with the many breakthroughs in medicine and nanotechnology that will certainly happen in my son's lifetime, any estimate of his lifespan now could be seriously off the mark.
Living longer, of course, affects our planning for the days when we'll leave our working lives behind.
How long a retirement should we be planning for? Will we outlive our money? It's hard to know exactly, but that doesn't let us off the hook for planning our futures. It's a moveable feast, but let's take a stab at it.
This week Sorted is upping its life expectancy estimates for people using its retirement planner.