AMP balks at transtasman super deal
A major Australian superannuation fund provider is refusing to let Kiwis bring their retirement savings home - despite a government deal being struck.
A major Australian superannuation fund provider is refusing to let Kiwis bring their retirement savings home - despite a government deal being struck.
We need to be as clever as clever now and forever to get our savings scheme working to meet New Zealand's next boom, writes Peter Neilson.
Consider all the options and various tax laws before sending any money back to a KiwiSaver scheme in New Zealand.
Great news this week. Nearly 11,000 people have used their KiwiSaver accounts in the past year to buy a first home.
More men than women have used KiwiSaver housing grants to help buy their first home despite thousands more women being signed up to the scheme.
The number of first-home buyers using KiwiSaver savings to get a deposit on a house has almost doubled in the past year as the scheme turns six.
Kiwibank says it is not one of the two KiwiSaver issuers pulled up by the Financial Markets Authority for potentially misleading statements in offer documents.
I've always found the language of Trade Me a little disingenuous. For instance, instead of 'buying stuff' you 'win auctions', writes David Chaplin.
I've just joined KiwiSaver and have to admit I'm a bit confused as to what happens to my money after it comes out of my pay.
My husband and I both have money in Australian Superannuation Schemes from a few years ago.
The latest figures show that KiwiSaver is a massive success, probably the most popular scheme ever introduced by a NZ government.
As the NZ Herald reported on Monday academia and finance industry leaders gathered in Auckland this week to consider, among other big picture subjects, the "role of advice for KiwiSaver members".
I have a question, that you may or may not be able to answer, as no one else I have spoken with so far has been able to help.
AUT University is to host the first New Zealand Capital Markets Symposium on Friday in what it hopes will become an annual event.
The problem for many KiwiSavers is often a lack of understanding of essentials versus luxuries. "It's my money and I want it." So say many KiwiSavers.
Q: What constitutes a "regular trader" in terms of the tax man? How many properties and shares would you have to "trade" in a year, say, to be considered a trader and become liable to pay tax on the capital gain?
There are clear signs KiwiSaver is growing our retirement savings, but will it boost our capital markets? asks Blair Turnbull.
My partner and I have recently moved back to New Zealand after spending two years away working in Australia.