Latest fromKiwiSaver

KiwiSaver: Single lump sum won't earn house subsidy
So what happens if you want to dump a single amount into your KiwiSaver account when you want to buy your first home? Helen Twose investigates.

KiwiSaver: Willing and able to contribute from overseas
Can I still contribute towards KiwiSaver and send money into my KiwiSaver account if I move overseas?

Mary Holm: Markets knowhow great gift for teen
Our son has his 17th birthday in three weeks' time.

KiwiSaver: Land part of deal for first-home buyers
KiwiSaver withdrawals to help with buying a first home are handled by the KiwiSaver providers so I talked to Joe Bishop, head of retail and marketing at Gareth Morgan Investments, about your options.

Inside Money: Regulator puts banks on KiwiSaver switch watch
The FMA has wagged its finger at banks for up-selling KiwiSaver switches without fully informing customers of the consequences.

Waimahia Inlet spells new homes hope
On September 19, the first buyers of a new mass-scale affordable special housing area at South Auckland's Waimahia Inlet, on the edge of the Manukau Harbour, are due to move in.

KiwiSaver: Regular payments needed for subsidy
Can you please clarify the rules around "regular" contributions toward KiwiSaver and the impact this has on the deposit subsidy.

KiwiSaver: Scheme can't be used in tax return
KiwiSaver investment income is effectively quarantined from other gains or losses and the tax paid is final.

Inside Money: National messes KiwiSaver house rules
First Labour, now National have unveiled plans to mess up KiwiSaver. It was always too much to hope that $20 billion-plus KiwiSaver system wouldn't be used for electioneering.

Mary Holm: Mistake to judge over the short term
I joined KiwiSaver the day it started. I am in the Kiwi Wealth balanced fund. I am a 67-year-old retired widow with no other income apart from NZ Superannuation.

Mary Holm: Labour's capital gains tax plan explained
I find it remarkable that Labour's proposed capital gains tax has generated so little debate.

Inside Money: How to save tax - a debate of two halves
According to Morningstar the tax environment for New Zealand managed funds - including KiwiSaver - is relatively benign.

Inside Money: NZX digs up smarter data; pushes out new passive fund
New data from FundSource suggests KiwiSaver default members may be starting to make more risk-appropriate choices.

KiwiSaver average tops $9300
KiwiSaver members now have on average more than $9300 saved in their accounts but some providers have attracted much bigger savers into their scheme.

KiwiSaver: What to do with your savings after 65
What happens after you're eligible to dip into your KiwiSaver account?

Mary Holm: Labour's tax talk nothing to fear
Q: I was listening to the radio and I heard a Labour MP say that under Labour not only would KiwiSaver be compulsory but a capital gains tax would apply to it.

Campaign to reduce tax on savings
The Financial Services Council is looking to drum up popular support for a campaign to address what it says is the overtaxation of savings.

Brent Sheather: Kiwisaver-Low returns + high fees = keep working mate
Sheather estimates what terminal sum will accrue to a KiwiSaver saving $100 pw and getting the $1K kick start and the annual $521 contribution from the Govt investing in a growth portfolio.

Mary Holm: Insurance option on KiwiSaver cash
Q: I saw the CEO of the Financial Services Council on TV talking about an insurance option to protect the loss of KiwiSaver amounts due to a recession. Does this cover have any merit?

KiwiSaver: Can I pay less than 3pc?
I am not in Kiwisaver as I can't afford to lose the minimum 3 per cent from my wages.

Mary Holm: Logic for some in new-car buying
Q: I have been following the new car discussion with interest. I would like to suggest the following thoughts to purchasers of a new car.