Time to thank mum for savings
Dear 20-somethings: You're quite right that nobody can make any promises about KiwiSaver in the future - or at least any promises that we can be confident a future government will keep.
Dear 20-somethings: You're quite right that nobody can make any promises about KiwiSaver in the future - or at least any promises that we can be confident a future government will keep.
Tens of thousands of first-home buyers stand to benefit from a KiwiSaver change coming into effect next month.
Setting yourself up for life financially can be done with seven easy steps.
Those that you live with have the strongest influence on your investment decisions, a Massey researcher has found.
As you pump money into your KiwiSaver with each pay, where exactly does it flow to?
I have been retired for one year now and am thinking of using my KiwiSaver balanced fund to provide an income.
Don’t forget to pick up your big five hundy this year in KiwiSaver.
My wife and I both joined KiwiSaver. At that stage she was employed. She is no longer employed.
My husband and I moved back home to New Zealand from Australia in January 2014.
Larger subsidies for first-home buyers and extended paid parental leave are among a raft of Government changes which kick in tomorrow.
However, borrower who is running a business is not precluded from obtaining interest-free student loan.
The main negative of KiwiSaver for kids is that the money is tied up until they buy a first home or retire, writes Mary Holm.
If my husband and I purchase land using our KiwiSaver funds, can someone else build the house for us to live in or does the title of the house need to be in our names?
Our son has special needs and will probably never be employed. He does, however, get a small pension from the government.
The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has revealed plans to marshal its employees into a new dedicated KiwiSaver scheme.
I am a New Zealand permanent resident, and I worked in New Zealand for almost six years but when I moved to Germany at that time I decided to take my private fund from AXA superannuation.
Hoping for an overseas holiday this year? A new car or an emergency fund? Growing the balance in your savings account is harder than it sounds.
One of the FMA's key areas of interest next year will be the world of KiwiSaver.
The NZX-owned KiwiSaver scheme, Smartkiwi, will be closed early next year following the stock exchange's purchase of Superlife.
The only problem with this technically-excellent, thoroughly-executed, thankfully-brief statistical analysis of KiwiSaver is its uselessness.
A reader writes: If my employer includes its contribution as part of a total remuneration package, what happens to the contribution if one opts out of KiwiSaver?
I am changing jobs and my new employer is exempt from automatically signing up employees to KiwiSaver as they have their own super scheme, while also offering KiwiSaver.