Low-cost KiwiSaver provider expands
Simplicity is taking on the managed fund sector by launching low-cost, non-KiwiSaver investment funds.
Simplicity is taking on the managed fund sector by launching low-cost, non-KiwiSaver investment funds.
COMMENT: Know what you're entitled to before you talk to an expert about a financial product or service.
PM Bill English says he is disappointed in the size of the pay rise given to the Super Fund boss
The taboo thing has got to go, so we can get talking and help each other make savvy decisions.
COMMENT: Laddering means you'll always have some cash available.
The amount of money invested in KiwiSaver has topped $36 billion despite a turbulent end to the year for markets.
COMMENT: This is an ideal moment to get your money humming for the year.
KiwiSavers could be missing out on higher returns because of the tax impact of their providers' offshore structures.
COMMENT: Resolutions fail. So set yourself some written goals. Here are 10 ideas from Herald money expert Diana Clement to get you started.
Billions of dollars have been moved in a shakeup of KiwiSaver investments as providers move funds away from controversial weapons manufacturers.
COMMENT: Rather than feedback on 2016, it's time to zoom in on those things we can do to make progress in 2017.
COMMENT: There are many reasons why top investors don't remain in front.
COMMENT: With so many worthy causes out there, we need to find where our dollars will make the most difference.
The NZ Super Fund can't rule out whether it has any money invested in companies which make the delivery systems for nuclear weapons.
COMMENT: When debt is low, paying down the mortgage might not be best bet.
COMMENT: They say incentives work, so here's some fun you can have to get the children moving in the right direction.
COMMENT: Changes to KiwiSaver conditions are at the whim of future governments.
A huge overhaul of capital markets law that began coming into effect two years ago is now fully in force.
COMMENT: It's Fraud Awareness Week. Here's why we all need to look out for each other and those money traps out there.
Concern over ethical investment practices has seen the rate of people swapping schemes surge by 23 per cent.
The international investment community is taking note over the KiwiSaver furore that saw banks dumping controversial investments.
Any celebration can get commercialised, but we can always get creative and stick to our own plans.
COMMENT: Switching managers could be your best investment, writes Martin Hawes.
This year we have felt the tremors indicating that KiwiSaver's sleeping giant - its membership - is awakening.
KiwiSaver has attracted 2.6 million New Zealanders, with an average of 400 people joining every day.
When it comes to getting people thinking about retirement, one provider is blowing competition out of the water.
COMMENT: Most insurance comes with premiums that spiral up as we age, so it helps to plan ahead.
MARY HOLM COMMENT: Unless you're a high-risk investor don't go near a deal like this...
COMMENT: Everyone can use a "no surprises" policy when it comes to our spending.