Why should I publish a book or resource myself?
We all know how much media have changed in the past decade. Not long ago, the only channel for manuscripts to be published was through traditional publishing houses. The common view was that doing it yourself was vanity publishing.
Now, self-publishing is a bona fide and widely accepted option, affording anyone the opportunity to share their talent and information - and many people, especially after years in a particular field, have a lot of valuable intellectual property.
The big plus is that in being both the author and the publisher you keep control of your work and the publishing process. Whether it is business advice, a giveaway book, a how-to guide, a crime novel or your family history, publishing your own book is easily achievable.
How easy is it to self-publish and where do I start?
The combination of information and technology makes the process very simple. Think about two popular websites, YouTube and Creative Space, through which creatives and experts self-publish their videos and music. Information about self-publishing is readily available.
You may already have suitable software and desktop publishing skills to do the layout yourself, or you can contract skilled people to assist you. Technological advances have made self-publishing easy and affordable - digital printing and binding technology now enable print runs to your specifications, and ensure reprints can be done when you need more. You need not print more than you think you will sell or require.
Planning is the key. Decide the topic, the purpose of the book (to entertain or to inform) and your target readership (the age, interests, sex, and education level of the audience), and what you will include.
The breadth of the book is important, and remember that great length - especially in this bullet-point world - is rarely a virtue. Think also about the style of writing and exactly how you want the finished product to read. Carefully consider your goal. Is the book to share only with friends and family, or do you intend it for a wider audience? Plan well all these points, and be realistic about the time and resource you are able to dedicate.
Once my plan is in place, what next?
Give yourself time, space and the right equipment. Writing may look easy, but it is hard work. You need to allocate specific time to sit down and write. Set yourself some targets around how many words you can write in a day, how many days per week, what time of the day and what else you will have to forego to make it happen.
Find yourself a space in which you will be comfortable, relaxed and uninterrupted, and make sure you have the necessary equipment. Then plan your book in as much detail as you can. Having the structure in place will make the writing flow more easily. This is important no matter what the purpose or style.
What do I do once I have self-published my book?
That depends on what your ultimate goal is. If you have decided to produce a book as a give-away for customers of your company, you'll be distributing it to all past customers and new and potential clients. This can be done through your customer database and sales team. If you have produced your family history, you will want send the book out to relatives or organise a family event at which to present it.
What if I want to sell it?
Any self-publisher who wants to sell needs to market their product. If you are a successful business person sharing your expertise in your book and you want to sell it, you might have a launch event and invite interested parties. You would also need to look for other opportunities - traditional and online bookshops, and specialist sites - and you would be wise to advertise on your own website and sell direct. You are the author and this is your baby - you are the best person to sell the book. You can also contract others to assist you with this.