A new Mangere housing scheme, being marketed to house about 4000 people, is selling off-the-plan residences starting from $425,000.
But a project boss says unlike some schemes which were cancelled, people who paid deposits for properties to be built on Walmsley Rd at Favona on the Manukau Harbour would get their places.
Guy Taylor, general manager of the planned Market Cove, said building work was due to start next year.
"We're pretty confident that what we are going to sell will be delivered. We'll start building very early next year," Taylor said.
A company statement said "total residents, 4000 approximately. Total homes: 1200."
Then, millionaire developer Sax told of plans for wrap-around care in a $900 million scheme which he said would start in October.
"We will target on providing wrap-around support and care of people, so we will generally have about 75 per cent robust, well-adjusted family units, and a percentage of those that will be able to support others that are struggling," he said in 2014.
Prices then were from $320,000 - below the current Mangere East median of $395,000 - up to $800,000 along the Manukau Harbour on the northern edge of the site. The four-year project would start in October 2014, and 425 houses will be finished by next year, the Herald reported then.
Sax is listed as executive director on the latest company document.
Taylor said no construction contract had yet been signed.
"We don't have finalisation of negotiations with our contractors," Taylor said this week.
Terraced housing is planned at Market Cove.
A company statement outlined more of what is planned for the land.
"Stage 1: 38 two- storey terrace houses (2-5 bedrooms), 198 apartments (1, 2, and 3-bedroom options) in two apartment buildings (4, 5 and 6 storeys). Stage 2: 15 Three-storey terrace houses (4-5 bedrooms). Construction start: Terrace homes late-2016. First apartment buildings early 2017. Construction completion: Terrace homes late 2017. First apartment buildings mid 2018. Early indicative prices: 1-bedroom apartments likely to start around $425,000. 2-bedroom terrace homes start from $745,000," the statement said.
The developer is Favona Limited Partnership. Young and Richards designed the terraced houses and Graeme Scott and ASC Architects designed the apartments.