Investment project to create landlords
A specialist apartment real estate agency boss is starting up a new business to encourage people to become landlords by finding, buying and managing Auckland residential properties.
A specialist apartment real estate agency boss is starting up a new business to encourage people to become landlords by finding, buying and managing Auckland residential properties.
The new-found wealth of entrepreneur Kim Dotcom came in part from an immigrant who has had at least $15m in assets seized in a money-laundering inquiry.
Authorities are giving up the fight to put former property developer Jamie Peters back into bankruptcy and will withdraw their case against him from the Court of Appeal.
Homeowners are often portrayed as millionaires-in-waiting, but investing in property is not easy, writes Andrew Bruce.
Ngati Whatua Orakei Whai Rawa has paid slightly under $70 million for a new Auckland office block with a council valuation of $35.5 million
A wealthy Hong Kong family have bought three office towers in Auckland's CBD for $65.5 million in one of the biggest property deals of the year.
Andrew Bruce says property investment is now at a tax disadvantage when compared to other investment classes such as companies.
What's behind Auckland's rapidly rising house prices - and should the finger of blame be pointed at investors? Andrew Bruce says 'no'.
A judge has refused to place a court order over a 9000sq m property in a picturesque Queenstown settlement as a liquidator chases $740k used to buy the land.
A former rich-lister charged with misleading authorities and concealing property has pleaded not guilty.
A "warrant of fitness" scheme for all rental housing may be on the agenda whoever wins the election in September, a new survey has found.
First time landlords are being warned to check how much tax they may need to pay on rental incomes ahead of the July 7 deadline.
Labour is looking "very closely" at changing the rules for foreign investors who can get residency in New Zealand by paying $10 million.
There have been a number of recent comments that the NZ sharemarket is overvalued, just as it was in the mid-1980s, writes Brian Gaynor.
An Auckland mortgage trust has won a $3.1 million High Court claim against a company part-owned by a bankrupt property developer.
A former rich-lister recently discharged from bankruptcy is heading back to court, facing charges including misleading authorities and concealing property.
Dealing with tenants is one of the biggest banes of many landlords' lives. Many break the rules, break things, or call in the middle of the night complaining about plumbing or rats in the roof.
The figures for Auckland rental properties are out. So where are the most expensive places to rent in the city - and where can you get a bargain?
Hellaby Holdings expects to add $20m to annual revenue after buying New Zealand Trucks South Island and Dasko Marketing NZ.
Newer crowdfunding sites are giving investors the chance to earn something other than t-shirts and trial products - money.
NZ could have had a superannuation pot of gold worth $278b by next year had it kept a compulsory savings scheme set up in 1974, a financial industry body claims.
A spokesman for the jailed South Korean developer says "personal" issues should not hinder or harm any of the business interests left behind here.
New Zealand is on a list of the top 10 most searched for countries by Chinese house-hunters, figures compiled from China's largest property search engine reveal.
Auckland landlords are making more capital gains off their rental properties than those elsewhere, a trend predicted to speed up in the next few years.
International investors with a total of US$2 trillion ($2.34 trillion) in funds have put New Zealand in their top-10 list of Asia-Pacific real estate investment targets.