This house makes $1000 a day...
A three-bedroom North Shore "do-up" has earned its owner nearly $1000 a day - just shy of the salary of a High Court judge - in Auckland's red-hot property market.
A three-bedroom North Shore "do-up" has earned its owner nearly $1000 a day - just shy of the salary of a High Court judge - in Auckland's red-hot property market.
The Reserve Bank is considering options to make it harder or more expensive for residential property investors to get bank loans.
For the first time in a single month, 10 per cent of all properties sold around the country went for more than $1 million.
New mortgages to Australian landlords dropped the most in three years in February, signalling an easing in the speculator demand for housing that had concerned the Reserve Bank of Australia.
Sales prices increased almost 4 per cent since February, taking the average price of a residence in Auckland to an all-time high of $776,729.
A property developer's family trust that bought 9000sq m of land in an exclusive Queenstown subdivision must repay $740,000 to liquidators after losing a High Court fight that involved fraudulent....
Former high-flying multibillion-dollar developer Nigel McKenna is working on Auckland's big state house overhaul.
Irving Kahn, the Manhattan money manager who predicted the 1929 Wall St crash, has died aged 109.
Australia has tightened the rules on foreign purchases of agricultural land and has reduced the ownership screening threshold to A$15 million from A$252 million.
"Negligent" advice from a Tauranga law firm did not cause a Blue Chip investor's $90,000 loss, the Supreme Court has unanimously decided.
Chinese interests snap up two islands linked to the mainland for $41.5m. They plan to use them for a $130.6m six-star luxury resort and native reserve.
Parents could save hundreds of thousands of dollars by skipping houses in elite school zones and paying to privately educate their kids elsewhere instead.
The New Zealand Superannuation Fund says it remains comfortable with its investment in the US oil and gas industry.
A rare big block of Bay of Plenty development land in Ohauti, about 10 minutes' drive south of the Tauranga CBD, is to be auctioned next month.
Multimillionaire property investor Peter Cooper helped build the country's most important new heritage structure which opens tomorrow in the Bay of Islands.
Property developers and investors have enjoyed an outstanding year but Kiwi Income Property Trust chief executive Chris Gudgeon could be the star of the bunch.
Oceania Healthcare is on track for an initial public offering in early 2015, aged-care operator's chief executive, Earl Gasparich, says he's also in talks with private investors and funds.
A Tauranga law firm will have to pay $150,000 more to retirees who lost money in Blue Chip, a Court of Appeal ruling has found.
As a long term landlord Andrew Bruce seeks long term tenancies because he takes a long term view of his investment properties.
West Auckland is about to get a huge boost, after a big landlord this morning announced a $36 million expansion and upgrade of New Lynn's LynnMall shopping centre.
Two of New Zealand’s biggest commercial and industrial landlords have this morning reported half-year results down on last year.
A 157 per cent Auckland Council rates rise and a 140 per cent operating costs increase have been blamed for the axing of guaranteed rental returns on a city apartment block.
Alan Wallace is an accidental property investor, signing a deal to sell a 16ha East Tamaki site for more than $40m after paying $630,000 for the real estate 21 years ago.
Watercare Services has hit back at a developer who accused it of charging too much for Auckland residential subdivisions.
Shane McKillen has resigned from the board of Veritas Investments to focus on other business commitments.
Billionaire Graeme Hart's Rank Group has hired three banks to run separate sales in his global packaging empire in what could generate some US$9b
New Zealand's richest man has splashed out on a second luxury yacht - this one worth up to an estimated $78 million.