Bob Baur is chief global economist at Principal Global Investors.
There's a lot of global going on there but Baur, who made a whistle-stop tour to New Zealand last week, earns his keep thinking big about world affairs.
In his latest client note, headed 'Great unwindings', Baur peddles the same generally optimistic message he presented to New Zealand investors.
While there are undeniable global tensions (see the world getting wound-up about Greece), he says the medium- to long-term outlook is positive, particularly for the developed world.
Baur's main points conclude: the China investment boom is over, which will affect emerging markets more than the US and Europe; rising labour costs have reduced China's competitiveness with many US companies (and even Chinese ones) now shifting production back West; developed world (especially in the US) middle-class income and debt pain could have bottomed-out which implies greater spending power in the years ahead, and; commodity prices have reached the end of the 'super cycle'.