Now I'm all for going it alone, choosing the road not taken, treading your own path. To be able to say when you've knocked the bastard off, "I did it my way..."
But there are definitely times when running with the pack can work for you - provided, of course, the pack is running in the right direction! Just look at the way cyclists draught together in single file, or how picking a running partner who's slightly better than you pushes you to run further or faster than you normally do.
Now think of your finances. What are other people doing that can help you lift your game? If you need a mental shortcut to figure out the best thing to do, the answer is often all around you. Birds flock, fish school, and we can all ride that herd when it works for us.
If you look at a survey snapshot of New Zealanders' financial behaviours, it turns out most of us are on the right track with a lot of key things: