Well we hit a major financial milestone at home a few weeks ago - my daughter got her first debit card. The local mall is now on notice: she is armed with intent.
Wouldn't you know it, days later it was declined at the dairy after she forgot to check her balance - a hard but important lesson. But perhaps the most unsettling thing was the way she bragged to her brothers that she had a credit card! I quickly intervened. Let's just call these teachable moments, shall we?
Read also:
• Get Sorted: Your kid's a whiz with money
• Get Sorted: Where do you see yourself?
There are a number of debt traps to dance around. Transferring your debt from one credit card to another, for instance, can be a good way to save hundreds of dollars because of a lower interest rate. But this can come with some unpleasant surprises, so you need to understand how transfers work.