Whoa! Things can get out of control. There are some weeks when the costs seem to come at us from all directions – Christmas debt comes calling, holiday travel leaves a dent, and then it's time to shuffle the kids off to school. It's easy to feel like it's all veering a bit off track.
In the new digital "BYO device" world at school, for example, it's no longer just stationery – there's more and more to shell out for. I've even got a leftover car repair bill from back in December – there seems to be no shortage of things that require paying!
All of which means it's time to grab the wheel and turn this vehicle – which is what money fundamentally is – back in the direction we want. That way we'll make sure we reach our destinations in life.
Sorted's budgeting tool is where to set up your shiny new plan for your incomings and outgoings. The key is to not only funnel any extra money towards those past expenses, but to also get it flowing towards your future goals.
If you're self-employed or working multiple gigs these days, the team over at Hnry has built an impressive platform to help you manage all those "little windfalls" you get each time you're paid.