Had an excellent question come up in a KiwiSaver seminar last week: if the idea is to spread your risk and not "put all your eggs in one basket", as they say, why not split your savings among different providers? Some to Generate, some to ASB, some to Superlife, etc.
It brought up some important points about "diversification" and what investing safely is really all about.
One thing to know is that KiwiSaver providers typically engage other fund managers on the wholesale level that specialise in international equities, overseas bonds, etc. So you may be with one provider, but you actually have different teams of experts working for you to make sure you get many, many pieces of the action.
In terms of what not to do, that question reminded me of the finance companies here which collapsed, whose directors have been sentenced these past months. In that situation, people thought they were diversifying by spreading their savings between the different finance companies. When the firms fell like dominoes, millions of savings went with them. The baskets and eggs were too similar.