In fact, by the time you take into account changes in interest rates over that time, the general rule of thumb is that you pay double for your house – once for the purchase price, and then the same amount again in interest payments to the bank.
So you want to be smart about this from the beginning, because it means a difference of literally tens of thousands of dollars, maybe more.
Happily there's more than one trick you can keep up your sleeve to make sure you end up on the right side of the deal.
For the latest Cooking the Books podcast I talked to Ashley Church from OneRoof and Lesley Harris from the First Home Buyers Club.
We discussed whether you should use a mortgage broker, how to find the best rate and how to plan ahead for how interest rates could change in the future.
For the episode, watch the video.
If you have a question about this podcast, or question you'd like answered in the next one, come and talk to me about it. I'm on Facebook here, Instagram here and Twitter here.
If you missed the previous episodes, click here for a discussion on the life stages for renting versus buying, or click here for an interview on ways to save a house deposit on an average income.