But it's the bigger expenses that we take for granted, often assuming we can't change them, that have the most potential for being cut back.
Cars are a notorious one, especially in New Zealand.
It's not just the cost of first buying the car. It's then the cost of fuelling it, keeping it registered, insurance, your WOF, maintenance and replacing your tyres, car parks.
This is what's called the true cost of your car, and it's much bigger than any small treat like a coffee.
In fact, a conservative estimate from the AA is that even a small car is costing you more than $7500 each year.
For the latest Cooking the Books I talked to John Bolton from Squirrel.
We discussed why a car has such a big impact on your finances, what you can do to reduce it, and what a bank looks at when they look at your ability to save for a mortgage.
For the interview, watch the video podcast above, or play the audio here.
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