Cooking the Books podcast: Are alternative investments like gold and bitcoin worth it?
Each week the NZ Herald's Cooking the Books podcast tackles a different money problem. Today, it's the allure of bitcoin, and whether it's an investment you should consider. Hosted by Frances Cook.
Listen to the Cooking the Books podcast here or watch the interview above.
Once you've started to dip your toe into the investing world, it can be surprisingly boring.
Far from the movies of men in suits shouting over each other incoherently, for most people the investing experience is about regularly putting some money into an account, spreading it across a wide range of assets, and then letting it do its thing.
For some people, that's a relief. For others, it's a little less exciting than they'd hoped for.
So I've been getting increasing numbers of people sending me messages, asking what I make of some of the less mainstream investments, especially bitcoin, and gold.
Now full disclosure, I'm not convinced by them, for reasons we'll talk about in this episode.
How does bitcoin compare to other speculative investments like gold? Photo / 123RF
But another thing that can make life boring is if we all agree with each, so I've found an investing expert who thinks a little differently than I do.
For the latest podcast I talked to Darcy Ungaro, authorised financial advisor and host of The NZ Everyday Investor podcast.
We discussed whether cryptocurrency is a legitimate investment, how you make money from it, and how it compares to other speculative investments like gold.
For the interview, watch the video above, or listen to the podcast.
• If you have a question about this podcast, or question you'd like answered in the next one, come and talk to me about it. I'm on Facebook here, Instagram here and Twitter here.