Latest fromPersonal Finance

Financial expert savaged for terrible advice
An expert's advice on how much people should save wasn't very well received.

It's bollocks bagging millenials over housing problem
Comment: The next generation is adapting - which is what always happens.

Repairs under way on leaky Orewa apartment block
Leaky Orewa tower under repair after cladding similar to Grenfell Towers identified.

Cooking the Books: How to become an investor without losing your soul
Kiwis have shown they're fans of ethical investing, so how do you actually do it?

Default KiwiSaver investors missing out
The top performing KiwiSaver funds over 10 years are not the biggest funds.

New money comparison site
A new one-stop shop money comparison website has launched in New Zealand.

KiwiSaver funds not going far enough
KiwiSaver managers may not be doing enough when it is comes to responsible investment.

Super fund investment will spur digital growth
Fidelity Life will use the investment from the NZ Super fund to grow its digital business.

Would you make an insurance claim by chat-bot?
A start-up insurer wants to use chat-bot technology to speed up claims.

Job ads continue to trend upwards
Job listings are continuing to trend upwards according to the latest data from

Retiree spends $229k pension in six months
A UK retiree spent $229,000 pension in six months on a car, gambling and drink.

Millionaire's new goal: to live forever
Jim Mellon is putting his money into research that could help us live forever.

Diana Clement: Are you in the best Kiwisaver fund?
Your KiwiSaver needs change over your lifetime and need regular reviewing

Mary Holm: Earn on your emergency fund
COMMENT: A buffer of three to six months of household expenses is recommended.

Man posing as tax agent sent to jail
'Opportunistic fraudster' jailed for four years for fraud and theft.

KiwiSaver contributions need to rise finds study
New Zealand's retirement income system has received a 'B' rating in a global study.

Tricks to paying off your mortgage in less than 10 years
Mum shares tips that do not involve being a millionaire or living off rations.

China's pension fund shopping for overseas investments
China's pension fun has $455b, and its looking for overseas investment.

Diana Clement: It's all in contract, read it!
COMMENT: By not understanding a contract, we can lose millions.

Your call: Risky ride, or no ride at all
Investing is like riding in a car. Don't want any risk? Don't get into the vehicle.

What a Labour govt means for your money
Students, young families and low income workers are set to get more in the pocket.

Real estate agency boss fears 'Fortress NZ'
Controls over foreign ownership and slashing immigration will hurt NZ, says Geoff Barnett.

Do you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur?
Whether they're born or made, entrepreneurs have a special something, writes Darren White.

One in five renting households spends 40pc plus on housing
More than 40 per cent of their income goes to housing costs, Statistics NZ says.

Veritas fined $55k for not disclosing Nosh plan
Veritas has been publicly censured and fined $55k plus costs.

Why a capital gains tax would be good
A capital gains tax strikes fear into some people, but how would most of us be affected?