First home buyers out of pocket for failing
The most common reason was failing to live in the house for the first six months.
The most common reason was failing to live in the house for the first six months.
After threats of rape against his wife, Andrew Therrien took on debt collectors.
COMMENT: From a national perspective, our financial ignorance is damaging.
Bitcoin futures investors are set to suffer losses as cryptocurrency fever fades
New Year's resolutions can benefit those in the investment business says Mark Lister
Graeme Stephens sees 2018 as being one of milestones.
As we head into 2018, what's the good, bad, and ugly on the financial horizon?
Home loan rates rose slightly in 2017 but what will they do in 2018?
What you should and shouldn't do when asking for a pay rise.
The meteoric rise of bitcoin has come with massive hacks and devastating losses.
Netflix just decided to lump all cash payments into salaries - thanks to tax.
Former high school dropout now world's 203rd richest person, according to Bloomberg index
The longer you ignore debt, the worse it will get. Here's how to make it less scary.
More than 70 per cent of millennials say they are planning for their financial futures.
Perhaps your New Year resolution should be to ask for a pay rise.
The Queenstown home went for $7.1m, despite only being valued at $4.4m.
Do your work mornings involve cold showers, meditation and gratitude?
Tax Working Group includes unions, business, Maori and the public and private sectors
The ban scratches a racist itch, Act leader David Seymour says.
Jacinda Ardern has been non-committal over Winston Peter's KiwiSaver plans.
Fidelity Life boss Nadine Tereora is looking forward to spending time at the bach.
First-home buyers are being urged to reduce their credit card limits to borrow for a home.
Restoring a heritage listed North Shore home has been a labour of love for its owners.
COMMENT: A lot of presents we buy never get used so gift cards make a lot of sense.
New commerce and consumer affairs minister Kris Faafoi wants to clean up the loan sharks.
Property trader who bought woman's home denies acting unethically.
Criminal bar association president says KiwiSaver should come under Proceeds of Crime law.