NZ's lack of CGT unusual - global expert
A Capital Gains Tax won't be easy to implement says US based expert.
A Capital Gains Tax won't be easy to implement says US based expert.
We pit two thinkers against each other on the CGT issue.
Auckland Council is looking at how to avoid being hit by the tax bill.
Some weeks, it can feel as though there's a giant hole in your bank account.
The biggest reason for borrowing on high interest loans was to cover living costs.
Premium growth in NZ still higher than OZ for insurance giant IAG.
Accountants say capital gains tax should be delayed until after next year's election.
A survey of property investors suggests they may not be as risky borrowers.
Proposal to introduce tax for those renting out property as short-term accommodation.
Consumer advocates are predicting a drop in advisers if commissions are banned.
An academic says 'life insurance is no longer as simple as it used to be.'
Ethical investing is booming, but there are grey areas.
Elites at Davos were not enamoured with proposals for higher taxes.
COMMENT: It might be time to give two fingers to the loan industry.
Houses or shares, which is the best investment? This is a recurring question in NZ.
Time is important for investing, but if you're running out, there are still options.
Fraud boss warns KiwiSaver investors to be wary of fraud.
COMMENT: January often serves as a precursor of what's to come.
Employers will not be required to make a KiwiSaver contribution to over 65-year-olds.
While the rich have boosted their wealth by $1.1b, the poor have decreased by $1.3b.
A big finance company is set to give 8000 investors their money back - early.
A report on the life insurance industry is expected to be tougher than the banking one.
COMMENT: Are the ghosts of holiday spending haunting you?
Founder started the budget-busting tips page so she could ditch caravan for first home.
Why would Working Group take aim at capital gains, when more capital is what NZ needs?
Pet owners with insurance are set to face an increase from Southern Cross.
Warning over cost increases for small businesses in payday filing change.