Investment expert questions Ports of Auckland's dividend source
Chris Gaskin says it can only pay Auckland Council's annual return by borrowing more.
Chris Gaskin says it can only pay Auckland Council's annual return by borrowing more.
COMMENT: Low wages will never be a route to national prosperity.
OneRoof has become a powerful tool for real estate buyers and sellers.
Falling interest rates on deposits are driving more people into dividend paying shares.
Three landlords have committed a range of offences.
The CGT and demands to improve their places rank among the top concerns.
One problem is the proposals do not treat all investors the same.
Bayleys Remuera and two licensees incur a unsatisfactory conduct fine.
What KiwiSaver providers are doing about gun-related investments.
Capital Gains Tax Series - Part 1: Business Owners
KiwiSaver funds are reviewing investments in gun-makers and sellers.
KiwiSaver providers say they are talking to Facebook about concerns over the terror video.
Mary Holm answers questions on KiwiSaver, CGT and caravan concerns.
"Jackson acknowledged that writing big cheques for Hollywood might seem unfair".
A KiwiSaver provider didn't apply for a woman's government contributions.
A globe-trotting sea captain has lost a battle against the New Zealand tax department.
The Christchurch attacks created a mood for change, and individuals can make a difference
Summer took its toll on the house sale market with Auckland and national volumes down.
Home insurer IAG says it is still open for new business in Wellington.
Small business owners need different tactics for work-life balance, and retirement.
A Halifax director continues to enjoy his flash car while creditors face uncertainty.
Administrators paint bleak picture.
High Court judge rules complex 2002 transaction was tax avoidance.
Around 20 per cent of people in KiwiSaver maybe worse off under capital gains proposals.
Diana Clement: Private health insurance is essential for some and a luxury for others.
Comment: Ardern can't handle tax issue, how will she deal with list of tough decisions?
A new tool will give retail investors direct access to a big fund manager.
COMMENT: The report should have been called Taxing our Future.
A life insurer has hit back at calls by the regulator that commissions need to change.