No capital gains tax: big-time commercial landlords react
Relief expressed from landlords in $50 billion-plus sector.
Relief expressed from landlords in $50 billion-plus sector.
Capital Gains Tax announcement expected this afternoon.
The Government is expected to reveal its Capital Gains Tax plan today - what will it be?
Kiwis are among some of the worst savers in the developed world.
Confidence in all KiwiSaver providers has fallen in the last year.
Auckland rents rise fast in this year's first quarter: Barfoots
David Parker today launched public consultation on the new Overseas Investment Act reforms
The Inland Revenue is shutting down its online services from Thursday for a week.
COMMENT: It's a good idea to consult with others when taking out a loan.
New company Miuwi says it acts like a dating service for home buyers.
A lobby group says the TWG not accounting for inflation is problematic for taxpayers.
"It is a really mixed picture, it's just hard," RBNZ governor said.
A raft of tech startups are making life easier for NZ investors.
Expert says NZ should drop its plan to try and tax borderless digital economy firms.
Sir Stephen Tindall's investment fund has given a loan to Simplicity.
Nationwide campaign pushing for CGT is being launched today by Tax Justice Aotearoa NZ.
Such properties are on the verge of extinction - but they are out there.
AMP's funds under management have fallen while other major providers gained.
The conditions are perfect for pay rises. But nothing is happening.
Sir Michael Cullen has earned more than $84k as chair of the Tax Working Group.
Fish hooks in Vital management fee deal.
Regulator highlights deficiencies.
KiwiSaver members now have the option to contribute at 6pc and 10pc but should they?
The Government will make a decision on a capital gains tax in April.
Research shows the amount of cash Kiwis like to keep handy.
A 1914 home built for a member of the Lion Nathan merchant and brewing family is for sale
COMMENT: When it comes to personal finances, Kiwis can tend to dwell on the negatives.
Last week she paid off her credit card and part of her business loan from joint account.
Property price rises at resort towns outstrip city increases.