Six-month mortgage holiday will increase loans, but people will keep their homes
Meanwhile most bank branches will be closed from tomorrow.
Meanwhile most bank branches will be closed from tomorrow.
Landlords have been advised to talk to their banks early.
Emergency tenancy measures "during this difficult time".
It's not as simple as telling an employee they no longer have a job.
Landlord unable to return from China: coronavirus travel restrictions
Potential long- and short-term scenarios revealed.
COMMENT: Keep on top of your bills and ask for help if necessary.
Share markets are falling and deposit rates at the bank are under pressure.
Bank drops one-year fixed home loan rate to 3.05 per cent.
Redundancy insurance isn't common in New Zealand but there are ways to cover yourself.
KiwiBuild flats are the "success story" of the Auckland apartment market, report says.
TV house sits on land zoned for intensification.
Two key issued faced those who worked from home.
It's still to early to see what impact coronavirus will have on house prices.
Worried your KiwiSaver balance will be hit by market volatility? Here's what you can do.
Humble Māngere home sets a record sale price above the million-dollar mark.
People often say watch your pennies, the pounds take care of themselves. They're wrong.
All apartments at 236 Kepa Rd now sold.
Virus most likely candidate to topple Auckland's thriving housing market, economist says.
Problems with lending and consenting has held back one solution to our housing crisis.
Comment: These stocks no longer represent guaranteed long-term growth anyway.
Wolfgang Leitner now has consent to purchase 1289ha of land, some classified as sensitive.
Ray White has recorded a record amount of sales as the property market heats up.
The default 'conservative' KiwiSaver option will be swapped to a 'balanced' fund.
About 690,000 people have default KiwiSaver funds that will not invest in fossil fuels.
Buying on Uber Eats three times a day is going to be expensive.
Returns on assets less than half NZX50.
Investigations found widespread, systemic tax evasion by those at the Masala group.
Penthouse with the nation's highest lap pool has been snapped up for a near record price.