Latest fromPersonal Finance

Developer brought down by $100m debt
A former NBR Rich List Aucklander says a $100 million debt led to him being declared bankrupt.

Homes more affordable as interest rates fall
Homes became more affordable in the last three months due to lower interest rates.

<i>Diana Clement</i>: When investing becomes gambling
There are times when investors put money into stocks or other investments without understanding the risks.

September rise in house prices, new listings
A shortage of properties listed for sale, which was thought to have been a factor in rising prices, looks to have eased last month.

Blue Chip court battle loss for pensioners
The High Court has dismissed a claim by Whangarei pensioners Judy and Bruce Bartle that GE Money acted wrongly when it lent them money to buy a Blue Chip apartment.

Fuel tax ends motorists' good run
Fuel taxes are rising tomorrow, putting the brakes on a good run for motorists who have enjoyed petrol price cuts of 8c a litre since last week.

GE 'threats' upsetting Blue Chip investors
Financier GE Capital is threatening Blue Chip victims with mortgagee sales as pressure mounts before a landmark court decision.

Court slams bankrupt property developer
Queenstown developer Rod Nielsen's business practices should be restricted and he must bear responsibility for commercial irresponsibility, says the High Court.