Latest fromPersonal Finance

Councils paying $28m for new airport shares
Auckland City and Manukau City Councils say they will take part in the new equity raising by Auckland International Airport. They will spend $28 million on new shares.

Hart fortress worth $22m
Anne Gibson looks at the homes of some of NZ's richest people.

<i>Fran O'Sullivan</i>: Tax report a minefield for wealthy MPs
Bob Buckle's tax report will have many of our more wealthy MPs working their calculators overtime.

Low-ball offer for Strategic investors
Marchmont Securities is offering to buy Strategic Finance debentures for a fraction of their face value.

$5 billion Manhattan property deal collapses
It was the most expensive residential property deal ever. It was among the most controversial. And now it is the most disastrous.

Missing millionaire was top Brierley exec
Herman Rockefeller, the businessman at the centre of a missing person mystery in Australia is the former chief financial officer of Brierley Investments, based in New Zealand.

Study names unfair credit card companies
Hidden details about the interest charged on partly-paid or overdue credit card balances is unfairly costing customers.

Homes out of reach for many NZers - report
Auckland is fast catching Queenstown again as the least affordable region in New Zealand.

Property tax plan - how it stacks up
Residential landlords who are retired could be hit hardest if tax changes proposed this week are adopted.

<i>Brian Gaynor</i>: Investor priority shift inevitable in decade ahead
The first decade of the 21st century was a good period for the New Zealand economy.