Tiger, Telecom, ministers apologise, but not the NZX
David Chaplin couldn't find an apology on the NZX website following its confused position on the index-worthiness of Allied Farmers.
David Chaplin couldn't find an apology on the NZX website following its confused position on the index-worthiness of Allied Farmers.
More bad press over Telecom's calamity-prone XT network saw the telco giant's stocks take a hit yesterday, with its share price dropping 6c after the resignation of its chief technical officer.
Housing confidence is on the rise in Auckland, while a new survey is showing growing uncertainty about tax changes and rising interest rates.
Blue Chip co-founder Mark Bryers admits failing to keep accounting records in the lead-up to the collapse of his property empire.
Finance Minister Bill English has poured cold water on hopes of a cut in the top income tax rate to 30 per cent.