Property Report: So you want to live in... Beach Haven
A former market garden and holiday area offers coastal, community-oriented living at a reasonable price.
A former market garden and holiday area offers coastal, community-oriented living at a reasonable price.
Pat Baker, a $10 million landlady and grandmother, is bristling about being blamed for wrecking the economy.
Investors in property-related finance companies were like lambs to the slaughter.
Auckland's largest real estate company says average sale prices for February were up by 3.2 per cent.
A new era of seriousness has begun for finance companies, which now require credit ratings in order to operate.
The number of new properties on the market surged in February but with buyers "cagey", the number of unsold houses has ballooned.
New Zealand home affordability improved slightly in January after a fall in median house prices more than offset a small increase in fixed mortgage rates.