Latest fromPersonal Finance
<i>Andrew Gawith:</i> Popularity of ETF industry breeds bewildering diversity
Funds' proliferation means choice, but also more risk, writes Andrew Gawith.
Record depth of Bryers' debt revealed
Mark Bryers, who earns over $100,000 a year and lives in a $2.5m apartment in Sydney, owes $235 million, court files show.
<i>Brent Sheather</i>: Ban on commissions is a must
Brent Sheather: Financial adviser commissions must be banned ...
Insurer braces for tax increases
Sovereign says it plans to mitigate impending tax increases by shaving as much as 15 per cent from the commissions received by advisers.
<i>Fran O'Sullivan:</i> Mrs Hotchin shows the wrong attitude
Auckland socialite Amanda Hotchin has clearly never heard - or possibly even cares about - the Marie Antoinette syndrome.
Why the leaky homes bailout is unfair
The government's description of the leaky building issue as a "natural disaster of huge proportions" is both a clever device and a dangerous precedent.
Victim wants jail time for Mark Bryers
Mark Bryers this week faces sentencing for 31 offences related to the collapse of his Blue Chip empire - with one investor saying only jail will do.